Welcome to One More Mile Riders Website RIDING IS A WAY OF THINKING

“One More Mile Riders Group – OMM “, founded in March 1998, is a Motorcycling Activities Centre for all Turkish bikers living in Turkey or visiting the Country.

One More Mile summarizes the belief that the ride is as important as the destination: excellence in riding, intelligence in touring and generosity in sharing experiences are the goals behind OMM activities. The OMM activities are open to Clubs, Associations, Groups and individuals Riders. All material produced and owned by OMM and presented in this site is free of use.

If you want to know about riding in Turkey or about the ADVANCED RIDING ACADEMY Method of training, If you want to prepare yourself for the I.A.M. test or if you simply would like to read good stuff about motorcycling check on the tabs above.

Please be aware that this site is not regularly updated, for information about OMM activities and calendar contact: Mustafa Ataşel (in Turkish) or Paolo Volpara (in English)

About Us

A Little History of Little History

Time ago, long time ago, way before many of you even considered a two wheels I took a group of newly found friends to a European ride covering several border crossings.

One evening, well into the ride, we were discussing about the experience and two elements came out from most of them.

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OMM Bulletin



Concentration (to bring or direct toward a common centre or objective) is the process of focusing on the task at hand. Knowledge of what we are capable of doing and situational awareness sustain concentration as the primary mental tool for doing anything good, including biking.

It is possible, stupid, popular and not advisable to drive a four wheels vehicle while chatting with passengers, phoning, contemplating the panorama, eating, dreaming and planning the time ahead that, maybe, will never come. More delicate and balanced activities, like riding a motorcycle, demand total concentration. At any speed, a momentary distraction on the bike may easily carry a very high price tag attached.

Click here to read the full Bulletin.

All Bulletins

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Advanced Rider Academy

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Institute of Advanced Motorists

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Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club


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©2025 OMM - One More Mile Riders Riding is a Way of Thinking

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